Welcome to OSS Group Projects!

This is the home page for OSS Group software projects:

All of our projects are GPLed. So feel free to use, modify and redistribute their code under the terms of GNU GPLv3 license.

Please note that most of the project were created a long time ago and hadn't been modified since then. If you're missing some feature, feel free to create an issue, but also consider the idea of creating a fork and sending us a pull request and/or a patch.


Simple web-interface for managing Apache2 digest files.

Web-based substitution for htdigest tool.

Aditool project


Simple script for creating a kind of "aliaces" for Jabber accounts.

Originally it was designed for ejabberd Jabber-server.

Alice project


Tool for Jabber messages logging. Small, simple, flexible.

Originally it was designed for ejabberd Jabber-server.

JubJub project


Tiny and agile framework for fast development of FastCGI web applications.

Pulma project


aka "Repository Observer".

Tool developed for system administrators. Watching over systems it can determine which of them needs an update.

Originally it was designed for ALT Linux distros.

RO project


Tiny and simple web-interface for changing Samba passwords stored in smbpasswd file.

surma project


OVZ complainer written in Perl. Watching over VEs resources limits and making actions on failcnt value increase.

Originally it was designed for ALT Linux distros.

Youbeda project


Jabber bot for Zabbix monitoring software.

It can obtain information from Zabbix server with JSON requests and answer questions about monitoring hosts' conditions.

Zabbot project